We want you to get the best out of Second Shootr, so we've created this simple guide to help you get started with your new app.

After you've installed Second Shootr to your device, tap the icon to load the app up. You'll notice as the app is loading that there's a button marked 'Startup Options'. You can use the options in this menu to change the Second Shootr theme, or to completely erase the Second Shootr database (only use this if you've got a mega problem with Second Shootr.. this will irreversibly erase all your data, so please think carefully before doing this). 

When Second Shootr loads up for the first time, you'll be asked if you want to install the sample client. You may wish to do this to get a better understanding of how Second Shootr works. If you do, you can always delete the sample client when you're done.

Setting up Second Shootr to match your business

  • Go into the Second Shootr settings (tap the icon that looks like two cogs)
  • Tap 'Manage Client Types'
  • Look through the list to see if the list contains all the client types that your photography business needs. If you can't find a client type that you are after, tap the + icon and create the new client types that you require.
  • Once you've set up your client types, go back to the Second Shootr settings screen.
  • Tap 'Default Client Data' - this will take you to the section that allows you to set up the data that will appear whenever you set up a new client of that type. For example, if you choose to create a new wedding client, it'll create that client with the Default Client Data for a wedding client type, and you'll have all your questions there ready to answer.
  • Select the first client you wish to set up the default data for.
  • Go into each category and set up the data for your business. We recommend primarily adding questions, rather than answers, so that you can fill out the answers when you create a new client.
  • You may also like to set up your standard kit list, or perhaps a standard list of photographs to capture.
  • Once done, save and repeat for each client type.
  • When you create a new client, ensure 'Default Data' is set to 'on', and your client will be created with all that data you previously set up.

  • Make use of groups (folders) to create more data than you really need. For example, perhaps you have two distinct sets of kit. Create a group (folder) for each and set them both up in the default client data. When you create a new client, delete the group that you don't care about, and the other will remain... this will save you a lot of time from having to re-input data again and again.
  • If you have a standard shot list, add it to the default client data and then just remove the shots the client doesn't want. This will save you from having to upload the same photos every time.